July 8, 2014

Plain Jane Math Centers/Task Cards


One thing that was on my Summer To Do List was to create a set of generic aka “plain jane” centers that I could use year round to help review or reinforce skills we were working on. I wanted to be able to use these any time without any hassle. {nothing hard to prep!}


So, I created these 35 math centers and bundled them into one large project that I think is just simply great! I can not wait to put these into use this coming up school year.


Here are the skills included:

1. Addition
2. Subtraction
3. Missing Addends
4. Adding 3 Numbers
5. Missing Numbers
6. Mixed Addition & Subtraction
7. Doubles
8. Plus 10
9. Minus 10
10. Adding 2 Digits without regrouping
11. Adding 2 Digits with regrouping
12. Subtracting 2 Digits
13. Telling Time
14. Tally Marks
15. Counting by 1’s
16. Counting by 5’s
17. Counting by 10’s
18. Pick the Greatest Number

{Remember there are actually 35 different sets of cards included!}

IMG_6013     IMG_6015


I printed each of the centers on colored cardstock, laminated and stored in ziplock bags.

Again, super, super simple! Then I stored them all in the blue box shown above.

IMG_6019  IMG_6023

There are simple recording sheets included but these will also work great with just a plain sheet of notebook paper. {Again.. I STRESS super SIMPLE!}


These are listed in my store- and will be on sale for a day or two. I hope you might can use them!

Quick Link: Plain Jane Math Centers


  1. So impressive! I wonder if you sleep. ;)

  2. Love these because they won't use much ink!

    Down the Learning Road

  3. This is so awesome! I’d like to make a 2nd grade version and rename it. *gears are turning*. Thanks for this as always!
    <3 Kate
    Windows Into my Classroom
