April 28, 2016

Five for Friday {Linky Party.. Friday, April 29th}

Five for Friday is a weekly teacher linky party where you post five random things from today or this past week and on your blog. Then, you come back and link your blog post up at the bottom of this post in the linky tool. Grab the button above and link back to this post on your blog.


We had a program Tuesday morning and my class were toy soldiers. We made the simplest costumes EVER! They were asked to wear solid red shirt and blue jeans. We pinned a white x on their shirts with crepe paper. {easy peasy!}. Then, they all brought a baseball cap and we used it as a base for a tall solider's hat. Cut out a shiny gold star and wrapped a strip of blue crepe paper around a large piece of red construction paper. 

We practiced last week during our center time so I carried our bear centers over into this week since they were prepped and ready to go!

{calendar skills}

{pick the greatest number}

{counting by 5's}

These are all found in my Bear Unit. .. which got a HUGE makeover a few weeks ago. I still need to blog about all the new stuff I added to the unit. You can download the preview to see more if you are interested.

We did move on to insects this week.

Each year my students LOVE LOVE LOVE Fly Guy! Such a fun book!

Our caterpillars came in this week too. 

And, if you need a great fiction picture book about raising caterpillars this one is perfect!

And, I seriously DO NOT know how this has happened so fast!! I took this picture on Monday so I had to edit it to show today's number. 13 days left! Crazy! This year has flown by!

And, just as always I adore a Friday! This has been a busy, crazy week! 
I am ready for a little down time before tackling another week.


Grab the button above and post a Five for Friday post on your blog and link up below!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Those toy soldier costumes are adorable! And I love how you use the Fly Guy books when they are learning about insects! Great idea!

    Teaching Voracious Learners

  2. I love you're countdown! I thought about doing something similar on my classroom door, but wen with Finding Nemo instead! Just Keep Swimming!

  3. I love school programs! Great idea for the uniforms! Too cute! Have a great weekend!

  4. Absolutely love the toy solider costumes!

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