Five for Friday is a weekly teacher linky party where you post five random things from today or this past week on your blog. Then, you come back and link your blog post up at he bottom of this post in the linky tool. Grab the button above and link back to this post on your blog. Happy Weekend!
I have now been out of school for one week. So, I know you are just dying to know WHAT has occupied my time this past week. I have actually been really busy- cleaning, catching up on paperwork, washing 100 loads of laundry, filing documents, cooking {and eating}, reading…and sleeping. Oh, how I love summer break!!! But, sadly.. Five for Friday is a little boring this week. I took like 6 pictures this week and 1/2 of them were actually screen-shots of stuff I wanted to remember.
The really, really, REALLY good news is that I am leaving in the morning for a beach vacation. The laziest week of the year will officially begin and I can be honest and tell you that getting dressed will be the most work I do all week.
The beach is also my time to read. Even though I read a lot. I REALLY read at the beach. My stack is packed and ready to go! I read on my Kindle at home and reading a real book is always a change. {1} I can’t read in the dark {2} I never can find a random piece of paper to use as a bookmark {3} I cannot click on a word when I need a definition {4} My clock is not at the top of the book to tell me the time.. I realize I have on a watch and my phone is always close by but it is NOT the same!
I know lots of people prefer to actually have a book in their hands but after you get used to a Kindle or any e-reader it is hard to put a real book back in your hands. But, I cannot see my Kindle screen in the sun so I must resort back.
Yesterday was National Red Nose Day. Until this year I had never heard of this- but I have seen it all over the internet and tv the last few days. And what do you know.. I own a RED NOSE. Never underestimate a teacher’s ability to have useless junk hanging around.
{and don’t get too excited that this is the 2nd week in a row I have posted a selfie!}
And just a reminder that I am giving away a Modern Teacher planner and you have just a few more hours to enter! Click over to THIS BLOG POST to enter. April will be picking a winner soon!!! Good luck. I am in ♥ with mine!!!
Thank you, Kacey for your blog hop - in England we don't break up until near to the end of July so it's nice to be able to keep in touch even when you lucky teachers are off enjoying yourselves!!
ReplyDeleteSpecial Teaching at Pempi’s Palace
HAPPY SUMMER TO YOU!!! Yay!! Have a great time at the beach. You've got an appealing stack of books! I like Mary Kay Andrews although I haven't read any of those titles. The Girl On the Train has been so talked-about this year and is a good beach read. The Husband's Secret is GREAT; Check out that author's other big book too, called Big Little Lies. I hate to admit that I have gotten use to my Nook and that it is my reader of choice. I feel like a traitor! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting, Kacey! xo
School and the City
Have a great summer. I just read The Girl on the Train and I enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteI love that you get to go spend a week at the beach and the most work you'll do is getting dressed!! I feel like I need to plan a vacation like that too!! I know how you feel about reading too! I have a STACK of books next to my bed, but yet I keep checking out new books from the library on my phone and reading them that way. I agree, it's harder to read in bed with a real book because my hubby goes to bed earlier than I do!
ReplyDeleteMrs. 3rd Grade
Girl on a Train and the Husband's Secret are some of the best I've read this year! I'm a power reader too! I'm hooked on my iPad every night!