November 20, 2014

Five for Friday {Linky Party.. November 21}


Five for Friday is a weekly teacher linky party where you post five random things from today or this past week and on your blog. Then, you come back and link your blog post up at the bottom of this post in the linky tool.Grab the button above and link back to this post on your blog.

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Definitely the BIGGEST news and what has consumed my last two weeks would be my computer troubles. We are still not sure what happened. Power surge or my pc shortened out and also fried my printer too. Either way my world was turned upside when last week.

But, I am now the proud owner of a new computer, monitor and printer. This was my work setup so I was in a huge panic. It was a sleepless, lot of praying and pacing the floor week.

Everything is back to normal now and I am back working. Praise GOD!

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And, in the middle of the computer problem craziness I have three holiday shows for my Doodle Bugs stationery show this past week.

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I have also listed some sale items on my Doodle Bugs Blog.


And the last day to place a personalized order will be November 30th.

Shop online: Doodle Bugs Paper 

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I also had tons of work to do this week for two online classes I am taking. Thankfully, I did have my laptop through all the computer craziness. I am taking two “fast paced” 4 week classes. It was definitely NOT the best time to sign up for these. And, to be very, very honest.. I am a TERRIBLE student!

Going back go school for any reason is not in my future. Both of these classes are for CEU credits to renew my license. My thoughts were it was better to do it online than to give up 2 weeks of my summer.

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And since this is my teaching blog.. I need to at least tell you something we have done this past week. These are the only pictures I have so let me show you our weekly afternoon math centers.


Number word practice


Even and Odd Pocket Chart Sort


tally mark counting


number word find and color

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and #5 is the best..


Bring on the much needed break! And can you believe that it will be December when we go back to school?!?!

Happy Happy Thanksgiving! I am extremely grateful for



.. link up below!


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Sounds like a hectic week! I'm glad you got all the computer problems figure out. And, I LOVE the stationary. Your stuff is so awesome!

    What I Have Learned

  2. I freaked when my flash drive got corrupted and I lost EVERYTHING, I can't imagine what you went through with your computer! I'm *hopefully* starting grad school in the Spring so that's what my desk will look like soon...wait, who am I kidding? It already looks like that! Good luck with your classes!

    Terrific Teaching and Learning

  3. Sorry to hear about your troubles, but thankful you were able to get your new computer! I actually just ordered a new laptop myself. Thanks for the chance to link up each week!

  4. Your stationery is super-cute! Good luck with your craft shows :)

  5. It's crazy to me that it's almost December! I'm so happy for you that your computer troubles are solved. Happy Thanksgiving!
    Laughter and Consistency

  6. Wow! You've been busy! I'm glad you got your computer issues fixed! That's super stressful! I haven't signed up to take my Master's because I know I will be a terrible student! LOL! Have a great break!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  7. Hi, I am also having computer problems and when I linked to your blog, it didn't work the first time.I tried again and it did! However, now there is a dud on there and I have no idea how to remove it! So sorry, Paula
    Educating Children with Disabilities

  8. ok I think I did this linky party may be too advanced for me as I am not understanding (could be my age) also I cannot find the linky button code...again, must be my age as I am not as comp literate as you all...figure I must start this blog linkys gig somehow...

  9. I LOVE this linky idea! It's so fun to read about each others' lives; teaching and non-teaching stuff! Happy Holidays!
