August 15, 2014

Five for Friday {Linky Party.. August 15th}



Five for Friday is a weekly teacher linky party where you post five random things from today or this past week and on your blog. Then, you come back and link your blog post up at the bottom of this post in the linky tool.Grab the button above and link back to this post on your blog.

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My new batch of first graders came bouncing through the door on Monday. Whew.. it has been a hard week. You forget just how hard it is to “train” a new class and how much time is spent on procedures and routines.  I hope they quickly forget how bad these first days of rules, rules, rules are and will remember the fun we have the rest of the year. The new group is chatty and a few are having a hard time adjusting. But, the positive side is they are REALLY cute, and smart and have fun little personalities. I am REALLY looking forward to getting set into a routine and settling in with this class. This first week has FLOWN by! But I am ready for the weekend!

Shirt from:

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Here is my door and hall bulletin board for this year.

The colors are from Graphics From the Pond.


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This is a bulletin board that is inside my room. I usually use this for art projects or student work- but I always decorate it for the beginning of school. I made the apple from wrapping paper from Hobby Lobby.

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Monday morning one of my new student’s grandmother stopped by with this HUGE donation to our class. Can you believe this? She was so generous to me and the kids. Look at all these goodies! She is a retired school teacher so she understands our needs! Love love love!


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Week Overview

Next week is Blog Hoppin’s Teacher Week. You can read all about it and grab buttons HERE {or click the button above!}

Link your Five for Friday below. Remember to grab the button and link back to this post! ♥


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Wow! Look at all the great stuff you got. You deserve it though--all teachers do. Thanks for having a great linky party each week! Your class looks great!
    Kids Math Teacher

  2. Your decorations look so cute and colorful! I hope you have a great first day on Monday!

    ~Jaime The First Grade Bloom

  3. What an amazing grandmother - so kind of her! I love the pom poms on that display board - looks great!
    Growing Little Learners

  4. Every single one of your five for Friday items was awesome! I love your tee shirt - one of my colleagues wore a happy last day of school shirt in June and I went to that site and I want one of everything!

  5. I really enjoy this linky every week! That was so kind of the grandmother to donate all of those supplies. It's nice when a parent/grandparent understands a little more of the teacher side of things.

    Your boards look amazing! Have a great weekend!


  6. Gee, what a thoughtful grandparent. People can be nice!

  7. What an amazing back to school gift!! How generous!! Isn't it amazing when people do things like that! I love your bulletin boards too!!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

  8. Love your shirt, love your bulletin boards, and LOVE the gift you got. What a wonderful first week. :)

  9. That donation basket is amazing!!! I'm SO jealous! I just love generous parents/grandparents. One year I sent hone a note asking if parents would sent jackets/snowpants that had been outgrown to school for some students in need and I had a grandmother come in and buy brand new snowsuits for a family of 4. So sweet.

    Adventures in Multi-grade

  10. Your door and board look great! Some tricky names! And what a great donation! :-)

    Teaching Little Miracles

  11. Your room is looking so good!! I can't believe that huge donation you got. How awesome that is and the things inside are perfect! I just love when surprises like that happen. People don't realize how much that helps and how appreciative we are when that happens. Happy weekend.
    Mrs. Bentin's Blackboard

  12. Your class looks amazing!! Love the colours! That was a generous donation - retired teachers know :) Thanks for hosting the linky. Off to cut out your BTS Clip Card centers!!

  13. Um, did I understand what I saw to mean you only have TWELVE first graders?!?! Totally unfair! Enjoy that sweet, tiny little class this year!

  14. I must say, I am very jealous of that class size! I've got 24 firsties this year and quite the talkative group as well, so I feel you on that one! Let's hope it dies down soon :)

    Paiges of Learning

  15. That was so generous! Wow. Your door looks great.
    Jan Laughter and Consistency

  16. You bulletin boards always look so good! I love the crayons on your door. So cute!

    And what a generous gift from your student's grandma! I hope that is a hint of what an amazing year you are going to have!! :)

    First Grade Garden

  17. Love your door and board! What a sweet gift! Have a great weekend!

    Learning is for Superstars
    follow on Facebook

  18. Your bulletin boards look fantastic! What a generous donation! Have a wonderful year!
    - Kelly :)
    Mrs. Campbell's Kids

  19. Congratulations on your awesome donation! How thoughtful :)

  20. I LOVE your shirt, super cute! You must have been so happy when you saw that gift basket. What a generous gift!

    Surpsisingly Seventh

  21. I am little behind on my blogs so I am just seeing your blog make over. Super cute!! Love your door and bulletin board. I wish we could do that. We only have doors that face outside, and mine directly faces the sun/weather :( Wow, what a generous gift. You are so lucky! Thanks for hosting this wonderful link up!

    Luv My Kinders

  22. Wow! What a very generous gift from the Grandmother. So thoughtful! Enjoy this week!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  23. Your room looks fabulous! I just ordered my shirt:) Thanks for the link.

    The Resourceful Apple

  24. The food here is ridiculously good. Our guests couldn't stop talking about it! (Crab cakes, sliders, braised beef that melts in your mouth, what more can I say?)
    live music bar nyc

  25. Kacey, I'm not sure how I missed this post but I just found it on Pinterest. Thanks for sharing your t-shirt - it looks great on you!
