September 11, 2015

Five for Friday {Linky Party September 11th}


Five for Friday is a weekly teacher linky party where you post five random things from today or this past week and on your blog. Then, you come back and link your blog post up at the bottom of this post in the linky tool.Grab the button above and link back to this post on your blog.

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I seriously feel like Pete has been lingering in my room for weeks. That little blue cat just won’t go away!!!! We are STILL finishing up some activities with the cool cat and these cute craftivities finially went up in the hallway this week. We worked on these for days! And, after we finished and I had them hanging up I realized we forgot the stinkin’ shoe laces and a mouth! Oh well! These are part of Deanna Jump’s Colorful Cats unit.

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Have you seen these Xtra- Fun pencils from Bic?! They write soooo good! And, they are SUPER lightweight! I am in LOVE!


Bic also supports Labels for Education so that is another win!


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You know I love my Blog Hoppin buddies. And, they make me step out of my comfort zone frequently. The newest challenge is to be more active and join in on Twitter chats. I have had Twitter account for a few years and I used to be more active but I just cannot keep up with all the social media outlets these days. Instagram is by far my favorite but maybe I can fall in love or back in love with Twitter while I chat with my teaching buddies on Tuesday nights. Come join us!

Follow me on Twitter and Follow Blog Hoppin on Twitter

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This 10 foot long hound dog is part of a fundraiser our school is participating in. It’s crazy! My room is small enough with my firsties and if our class wins “Hank” for the day we have to find a place for him.

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For the last few weeks I have been working on and putting to use a new product. It’s all about ordering numbers from least to greatest. I really really hope I can put the finishing touches on it and get it listed this weekend. These super tall ice cream cones are one of the activates included.IMG_0009

And, they fit right in with my rainbow paper cloud at the top of my bulletin board.

I hope you have had a wonderful week and enjoy your weekend. Sadly, it is not a long weekend! I could seriously get used to having Monday off each week! Link your blog post up below or just enjoy clicking and finding new teacher friends!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Love that you ladies are hosting a twitter chat now too! I just added it to the my alarms, so hopefully I can join you on Tuesday night!! I LOVE twitter chats!! :) Your rainbow ice-cream activity is amazing! I love how it brightens up your room and looks perfect under that rainbow cloud!!! Have a great weekend!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

  2. Hank may be big, but I bet your students love him! Did you already share how you made that rainbow cloud? It's so eye-catching!
    Stories by Storie

  3. That rainbow cloud is AMAZING! I think the other teachers at my new school are already weirded out by how into my classroom I am though, so I think should hold off on attempting it :)

    Years That Ask Questions

  4. Thank you for hosting! I've always loved reading everyone's post - excited to actually link up!

  5. OMG.... I am still in love with your colorful paper cloud at the top of the bulletin board!

  6. I LOVE the ice cream cone number order activity! What a great skill to practice!

    Carlee Van Ness
    The Kindergarten Press
